Bespoke Online Coaching Dan Grieve

Bespoke Online Coaching

Get access to an internationally renowned Golf Coach 24/7 from anywhere in the world!

Dan has been coaching Online for over 10 years. He is now using the World Leading App 'Skillest' to coach golfers all over the world and make huge improvements.

Dan currently coaches golfers from dozens of countries around the world and it doesn’t matter what practice facilities you have access to, you really can improve a lot from your own home and back yard!

To have your very own Digital Mentor in your pocket with you every step of your golfing career is invaluable and means you will never forget again!

Watch : Dan’s Introduction to his Bespoke Online Coaching


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Have a lesson within 72 hours

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By finding Dan on Skillest you get access to World-Class coaching within a few clicks, and within approx 72 hours, you will have your lesson back.

As effective as in person

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The benefit from online coaching is you never forget anything! It is all recorded on your app so you can check and re visit time and time again.

Filming your videos

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Film your videos from home or the course, add a description of the bad shot and any history you feel is relevant.

Bespoke video analysis

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This lesson will provide you with total clarity on exactly what you need to work on, a clear improvement plan with a bespoke video for you and a detailed analysis of your videos.

Dan Grieve, Online Golf Coaching

Skillest Online Coaching

Choose your bespoke online lesson

Single Lesson

Skillest Online Golf Lessons

Single Lesson (Swing/Short Game)

One time payment

Line Break
  • Single online lesson
  • Detailed video analysis of your swing/short game
  • A video explaining what you need to do to improve, in simple, easy to understand language!
  • Practice Drills which you can’t get wrong to ensure you are working on the correct things
  • Choose what you want to work on - Swing / Short Game / Putting

Skillest Online Golf Lessons

3 Releases: The Short Game System

One time payment

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  • 4 online lessons
  • Lesson 1 : Chip and Run shot (Release-1)
  • Plus - a recap and check on your Release-1 improvement videos.
  • Lesson 3 : The Lob Shot / Bunker Play Plus - recap on Release-1 and Release-2 improvment videos
  • Lesson 4: Pitching (30-100 yards)
  • Each lesson will include a voice-over of your videos you and a bespoke video explaining what you need to work on with relevant practice drills. Also video examples of Dan playing the 3 Releases for your reference.
The Short Game System
Fix Your Slice

Skillest Online Golf Lessons

3 Lesson Monthly Subscription Plan

Recurring billing, cancel anytime.

Line Break
  • 3 online lessons per month
  • Work on what you choose (Swing/Short Game/Putting)
  • Customized video demonstrating exactly what you need to work on to improve.
  • Relevant practice drills you can do on and off the course.
5 Stars Dan Grieve

“Brilliant, analysis made total sense”

Lee Jones, Skillest User

5 Stars Dan Grieve

“Great clarity of message, moving forward with confidence”

lan Benson, Skillest User

5 Stars Dan Grieve

“I've been working on what you said and it feels incredible! I'm enjoying working on my short game again, thank you!”

Eric Jimenez, Skillest User

5 Stars Dan Grieve

“Excellent Coach, would recommend to anyone, can’t thank him enough!”

Harry Simister, Skillest User